
Books About Programming and Web Development

If you’re trying to learn to code or are an experienced software engineer, there are plenty of great books on programming and Web development. These books will cover the latest technologies and basics to make you a better programmer.

The Self-Taught Programmer How I Learned to Program by Cory Althoff

This book offers a compelling and honest look at the author’s self-taught journey as a developer, revealing tips and tricks that have helped him succeed in his career. This book is a must-read should you be interested in pursuing careers in software engineering.

A complete guide to front-end Web development This book teaches HTML, CSS and JavaScript with simple examples that are accessible to novices without prior programming experience. Its full-color pages are filled with illustrations and diagrams that assist in explaining complex concepts.

Web developers depend on these programming languages to create websites and web-based applications. The people who work on the back-end part of a website are in charge of the functionality of the website, whereas those working on the front-end are responsible for the design and layout. This book is a must-read source for any web designer.

The New PHP & MySQL Modern Server-Side Web Development

This well-known book explains how to use PHP and MySQL to tackle the fundamental issues of server-side programming. This book is essential for web developers who are new and experienced programmers who want to elevate their skills to next level.

The Clean Coder should be read by anyone who wishes to become a better writer. The author suggests prolonged periods of intense concentration to achieve better results.


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